
The Girls of Summer

The Girls of Summer


Judy Bluhm

They float in taffeta, with pink big skirts, giggling while holding hands. Running wildly in the sand. Heading towards the ocean. No cares or worries about getting dresses dirty or wet. They laugh and squeal as their feet touch th…

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The Binoculars

The Binoculars


Judy Bluhm

If only you could see what I saw. I never knew that I could watch the beating wings of seagulls in unison flying north over the beach. Or the facial expressions of the surfers while they are catching a wave and riding a longboard with …

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My Red Sweatshirt

My Red Sweatshirt


Judy Bluhm

It has been an unlikely companion. Funny how some obscure, inexpensive and hastily purchased clothing item can be the “statement fashion piece” of a lifetime. I bought it at a garage sale. A bright red, thick cotton, oversized sweat…

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Why Dogs Are Good for Your Health: Emotional and Physical Benefits

Posted on June 14th, 2024

As someone who's experienced the joy and companionship of dogs, I'm always eager to share just how beneficial they can be for both mental and physical health. 

Here in Phoenix, where the pace can be frantic and the summers scorching, my…

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Navigating Summer and Mental Health: Tips for Seasonal Well-Being

Posted on June 14th, 2024

Summer, with its bright skies and long, leisurely days, often symbolizes a time of freedom and fun. For many, this season is eagerly anticipated, a period to unwind, enjoy outdoor activities, and bask in the warmth of the sun. However, n…

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