

Around The Bluhmin’ Town


Judy Bluhm

Are you scared? If I told you that Americans spend a whopping 11 Billion dollars on all things related to Halloween, would it cause you to shake in terror? That translates to a mere one-hundred-three bucks per person on spooky holiday decorations or costumes, not to mention about thirty dollars of it on candy! Americans also like to buy their pets costumes, at a cost of 700 million dollars annually!

My grandkids have all had a fascination with things that are creepy. The inside of their homes are usually adorned this time of year with spiders, webs and goblins hanging on every window. My eldest grandson, Sean, has been the master of haunted houses. For years, he has created the scariest haunted house in his garage that is complete with sound, props and coffins. When grown men walk through his maze of horror, they usually come out screaming with a maniac chasing them with a chainsaw. Oh yeah, Halloween is one long scream.

Boo! Are you a little bit frightened? Better get with the program, because there are lots of reasons to be afraid. Halloween has always been closely associated with the dead. Starting in the fifth century, “All Saints Day” was an observance in honor of saints with one weird twist – it was also the day that disembodied spirits came back to possess the living. The poor spirits had only one chance of an afterlife and that was to intermingle with the living, in hopes of possessing a body. People don’t want to be possessed! So, to scare the roaming “body snatchers” away, folks dressed up in spooky costumes and paraded around their villages to drive evil spirits away. Sound familiar?

The early days of “trick or treat” started around the ninth century, when people passed out cakes and candy to beggars on Old Saints Day. In return, the beggars would pray for the souls of dead relatives. It was believed that the dead might be stuck in limbo and needed lots of prayer, so people who passed out “treats” were given prayers in exchange. Let’s just say (since this is a family newspaper and children might be reading this) that Halloween wasn’t always a fun, harmless little holiday. It was a seriously, terrifying day of devils, demons and witches.

Halloween is also the night to enjoy a big Bloody Mary. Oops, I meant to say the ghost of Bloody Mary, by looking in the mirror and chanting her name. Please do not try this, Dear Readers. If you see her ghost, legend says this may cause insanity. Try the drink instead.

This year I may sit wearing my big witch’s hat and have a bowl of candy ready, to see who come up my driveway. I live in a quiet neighborhood so maybe no child will venture by, and I will be forced to eat the candy.

Let’s enjoy the day of devils, ghosts and witches. Watch the kids as they stroll up your walkway in their scary costumes. If you get spooked, pour yourself a stiff drink, eat more sweets, and lock your doors. It is the most fearful time of year.

Judy Bluhm is a writer and a local realtor. Contact Judy at [email protected]or visit

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