

Around the Bluhmin’ Town


Judy Bluhm

It has been another week of uncertainty and storms. Trying to grasp the impact of the hurricanes, plus the onslaught of political ads and campaign news can be anxiety-producing! Perhaps we need to boost our collective spirit, as a gentle reminder of all the good news and small miracles. In a world that lately feels troubled, let’s be encouraged by the little things.

Manuel is back! Yes, our friendly tarantula who has frequented my friend Diane’s home in New River, for over twenty years, was missing. The hairy spider should have appeared (by walking through her doggy door) in July and then leaves in October. This year, he never showed up and we thought the worst. On a lovely October morning, Diane was having a cup of coffee when a beautiful, big tarantula came strolling up her walkway, right through her open screen door. He quickly made himself at home. Oh, Manuel, how we missed you. We were worried! It is already autumn, Manuel, and we cannot understand why you showed up now. But we are so happy you are here!

I have a small, deformed sparrow that lives around my house. I have noticed this little fellow, because he has a smashed-in looking face, two normal legs and a third leg jutting out of his chest. He has an odd flat head, with what appears to be a double beak. This tiny, plucky bird sits in a mesquite tree, nibbling at seed from a finch feeder. Surrounded by glorious, golden finches, he stands out like a sore thumb. He doesn’t fly far or smoothly and hangs around his special tree. He doesn’t seem to have many bird friends, but I have watched him throw his head back and sing. He may be different, but he still sings a beautiful song.

While walking around my neighborhood last week, I saw a painted rock discarded on the side of the road. It was painted black and in white letters was written the word, “Blessed.” It also had an uplifting message on the back, which says that “God cares for you and loves you. Don’t give up.” I picked it up, a small treasure to keep during a difficult week.

There is a dog, appropriately named “Faith,” who was born with no front legs. About to be euthanized, a loving family adopted her and gave her a chance at life. She has learned to hop around upright on her hind legs and now visits nursing homes and rehabilitation centers throughout the country. Faith’s message? You can overcome the unthinkable with love, help and determination. Life’s circumstances may hobble us, but we can still move forward.

Right now, something special is happening . . . so leave your door open and welcome in an old friend. Listen closely to the gift of a beautiful song from the most unlikely source. Look around and you may find a blessing. And keep the faith, because acts of encouragement transform life. Love, hope and glimmers of light surround us. Dear Readers, may you have a week filled with small wonders and special treasures.

Judy Bluhm is a writer and a local realtor. Contact Judy at [email protected] or visit www.aroundthebluhmintown.com.

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