Around the Bluhmin’ Town
Judy Bluhm
Brother, can you spare a dime? How about 36 trillion to pay off the national debt? Yes, that’s the number released by the federal government’s recent budget report that recaps 2024 and highlights important items we spend taxpayers’ money on, and plenty of frivolous government waste. If it weren’t so mind-boggling, we could all have a good laugh.
The national debt is causing concern among citizens throughout the land. Who is to blame? Everybody. This past year both political parties in Congress voted for massive spending bills. It seems our government has been printing and doling out lots of money. One day, we might have to “face the music” and the tune doesn’t sound real pretty. And that time is coming soon, with new efforts to “cut trillions.”
Wondering how much money can be wasted? Read on. Did you know that $19,600 had been set aside just for waffle irons for the Congressional dining room? Put me in charge of acquisitions and I’ll go to the local thrift store and pick up a few used waffle irons that may cost twenty bucks! Better yet why not serve pancakes to all those politicians? There may be less “waffling” on issues. Dear Readers, can we really trust the mental giants who are running this country if they must eat waffles in the morning? That’s not even grown-up food!
Do lonely rats seek cocaine more than happy rats? The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) spent almost 500 thousand bucks to find out the answer. Oh please, is this necessary? How exactly will this improve our lives?
Why does it cost $155,350 for brass polish for the Marine Corps Band that serves the White House? Little did we know that polish is part of the defense budget! We all recognize the importance of shiny trumpets and trombones, but I think a cheap solution of baking powder could do the trick. Who would have guessed that our “Top Brass” would have to spend so much, when a little spit and a soft cloth is all that’s required?
I think the aroma of one big pork roast is coming out of all the budget reports. There are all sorts of stupid (oops, I mean interesting) projects that our government likes supporting. Hey, we’re all paying for this “pork-fest,” so maybe we need to ask questions. Why did the Department of the Interior spend over twelve million on a pickleball complex in Las Vegas? Why did another federal agency spend three million for “Girl-Centered Climate Action” in Brazil? And why give two million to a university so it could study kids looking at Facebook food ads?
Hey, what’s an average taxpayer to do? Put a few pork chops in the oven and have a big glass of wine (maybe a bottle of Pepto Bismol). Oh, did I mention that there’s a little cash (just a few million) that has been allocated to study the sex habits of scorpions and the effects of alcohol on bees? Sounds like a “sting operation” to me.
Change is coming, because our nation’s spending spree makes no cents.
Judy Bluhm is a writer and a local realtor. Contact Judy at [email protected]or visit
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